Thursday, March 31, 2011

You're Not Alone!

This week's guest blogger is Barbara Hawkins.

At last someone understands.

There is nothing quite like a CHADD conference! My first one was years ago, and I will never forget the sense that, at last, some one understands.

It is hard to describe how much it means to find people who really do understand what it means to be a parent to a child with ADHD, a child whose behavior you do not understand, a child whose behavior you sometimes cannot control. It is not easy to describe the relief you feel knowing that you are not alone. It is not you. It’s the ADHD and CHADD can help.

Many of us have children who do not have ADHD, and we do not understand why the next child does not react the same way to our parenting techniques. I know it is hard and I know that CHADD can help. Support and understanding cannot be understated. Techniques to deal with ADHD issues are invaluable. Join us on Long Island on May 14 for valuable tips and understanding.

Barbara Hawkins

Barbara Hawkins, president-elect of CHADD, is the former coordinator of CHADD of Greater Baltimore and a recipient of the CHADD Volunteer of the Year Award. Hawkins is assistant dean of Villa Julie College in Stevenson, Maryland, and chair of the Children’s Mental Health Conference in Baltimore.

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