Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I Love a Good Conference!

Ari Tuckman is this week's guest blogger.

I love my family and I love my job, but I really love getting away from everything for a good conference. So I'm really excited about the upcoming CHADD regional conference on May 14th on Long Island.

I love to hear what other experts in the field are saying about ADHD. I love to run into old friends (my wife calls them my "CHADD buddies"). And I love meeting new people (future CHADD buddies).

I also love presenting, and I am really looking forward to doing the Lunch and Learn at this year's conference. I will be talking about the important but often overlooked topic of acceptance. I am a firm believer in the value of good strategies to help people perform better in their lives so they can feel better about themselves and take on greater challenges. But what do you do when certain struggles remain? Hopefully you have made at least some progress, but perfection is hard to come by.

I will talk about how to feel good about yourself or others by letting go of unfulfilled expectations. This isn't giving up—it's making a conscious and intentional choice to move on. My guiding philosophy is "change what you can, accept the rest." The other presenters will talk about ways to change things in your life. I will talk about how to feel happy even when some things don't change. When you put the two together, life is much better.

Ari Tuckman

A clinical psychologist based in West Chester, Pennsylvania, Ari Tuckman, PsyD, MBA, is the author of More Attention, Less Deficit: Success Strategies for Adults with ADHD and Integrative Treatment for Adult ADHD.

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