Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Secrets of Power Advocacy

Today’s guest blogger is Lisa LaVardera, Esq.

If you have a family member with ADHD and you are looking to cut through the information/advice clutter, then One Day, One Location, Many Solutions to ADHD and Co-Occurring Conditions is the place to go! By the end of the day, you will have a clear understanding of ADHD...and more importantly, you will have strategies to manage it.

ADHD is a lifespan disorder, and often comes with multiple coexisting conditions. If you are new to the world of ADHD, or continuing on your journey, you will find many interesting breakouts at this conference, from understanding twice exceptional kids, to special education law, to bullying, to how to transition your child to college, to women’s relationship issues and how to keep your marriage alive with ADHD. Plus, the keynote speaker is the one and only Chris Dendy, author of multiple books on ADHD and executive functioning deficits. Like to eat? This conference comes with lunch!

Do you have a child with special needs whose needs are not being met in school? Would you like to learn more about how to become a powerful advocate for your child? Separate myth from fact! Find out how recent changes in the law can help your child with ADHD. I will tell you what the school districts do not want you to know. Learn the secrets of Power Advocacy!

• Children whose parents are knowledgeable about ADHD and know how to advocate have better long-term outcomes.
• Recent changes to the law now make more children eligible to receive special education accommodations and services.
• Your child can receive services and accommodations in school even if he is doing okay academically.
• A school psychologist might not diagnose your child’s disability.
• Why you need to get an independent outside evaluation.
• New York State has a new IEP format that is both good and bad for our kids.

In my session, we will cover the basics of the special education process; why you should have an outside medical evaluation; and what the recent changes to Section 504 may mean for your child.

Come to Long Island on Saturday, May 14, for CHADD's NY Regional Conference on ADHD and be sure to register for Power Advocacy!

Attorney Lisa LaVardera, a Certified Parent to Parent trainer, serves as coordinator of CHADD of Suffolk County, NY, a CHADD Affiliate of the Year recipient. She has received the Long Island Speech and Hearing Parent of the Year Award and the Nassau Region PTA Advocate in Action Award.

1 comment:

  1. My friend's younger brother is suffering with ADHD. Their family have long been assisted by a supoort group in their community. It really has improve the harmony of their living and relationship.
