Monday, November 7, 2011

Coaching Can Empower Youth with ADHD

Today's guest blog is by Jodi Sleeper-Triplett, MCC, SCAC.

I am counting the days until the CHADD conference in Orlando and imagine that you are equally excited! There are many reasons for my excitement—reconnecting with friends and colleagues, meeting new people and learning from the many ADHD experts from around the world. I am especially pleased to have the opportunity to share my passion for coaching youth with ADHD with the conference attendees. My breakout session, Empowering Youth with ADHD: Coaching Toward Success, is on Friday morning, following a must-see opening session with Rick Green, Patrick McKenna, and Umesh Jain.

For many adolescents and young adults with ADHD, coaching helps them learn techniques to become more focused, stay on task, and improve time management and organizational skills.

Coaching is a beneficial tool for many young people. At this stage of life, adolescents and young adults are yearning for independence, but they lack the basic skills for success. Life skills can be fostered through coaching and may include self-care, socialization, financial responsibility and self-advocacy. Each client is an individual, with unique needs. The coaching process is designed to meet the needs of the individual. This is not a one-size-fits-all process.

Choosing a coach who has experience working with adolescents and who understands the intricacies of the ADHD brain, medications and co-existing conditions is of the utmost importance. It is essential to work with a coach who has a good rapport with the client. The connection between coach and client, of any age, is essential for coaching to be a success.

Attendees will learn how starting the coaching process with adolescents and young adults with ADHD leads to improved executive functioning skills and self-confidence, leading also to greater success in adulthood. Through coaching, we are able to increase motivation, self-awareness, independence and self-worth. I will share the JST coaching model for successful youth coaching, focused on the whole person, not just on academics. As adults, if we don’t pay attention to ourselves and manage both our personal and professional lives, we struggle. Young people with ADHD experience the same problems and coaching helps!

This interactive session will provide background on the common difficulties faced by adolescents and young adults with ADHD. We will discuss the importance of confidentiality between coach and client and how parents can adjust to their role outside of the coaching partnership. Coaching demonstrations will provide concrete examples of the value of coaching for adolescents and young adults with ADHD. Young adults considering coaching are encouraged to attend.

I enjoy the opportunity for Q & A at the end of my sessions and throughout the conference. Often times you can find me chatting with others in the hallways between sessions, answering questions about coaching and learning from others what works and does not work for them or their children. So, when you see me at the conference, please tug at my sleeve and let’s chat!

See you in Orlando!

Jodi Sleeper-Triplett, MCC, SCAC, is the president of JST Coaching, LLC and the author of Empowering Youth With ADHD (Specialty Press/ADD Warehouse, 2010).


  1. Where I can find a coaching to traet my ADHD

  2. There are many parents these days that take their children for chiropractic treatment and care. It has been observed that children can take advantage of this treatment method starting from birth till throughout the childhood. Handling a child with ADHD in your house can be a problematic work but it has been observed that chiropractic treatment can help a lot with the symptoms of ADHD.

    Children suffering from the problem of ADHD or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder can act out in various ways. They may control themselves, not obey commands and bully other children. These children might get violent and may have rough behavior like throwing things around.

    According to a survey by American Chiropractic Association in 1991, the number of chiropractic patients of sixteen years of age and younger has increased to 8.5%. Chiropractic services is the most common alternative method of treatment performed on children and it is completely safe.

    A study conducted in 1975 compared the effect of chiropractic treatment and drugs in children suffering from ADHD. The study showed that chiropractic services was twenty four percent more effective than normal drug prescription. It worked over the wide range of symptoms which are common in neurological dysfunction syndrome. So, chiropractic treatment works good with children having ADHD.

    It has been observed that children who suffer from the problem of ADHD have successful results with chiropractic treatment. It has also been noticed that children who have vertebral subluxation and do not show any symptoms of ADHD should still have chiropractic services. The best method of treatment in case of ADHD is chiropractic services. It is completely natural and so it does not have any side effects. This makes it very safe for your child. With proper treatment and care, the symptoms of this condition can be helped to a great degree.
