Thursday, April 23, 2015

Are You a College Student with ADHD? You Can Make a Difference

by Ruth Hughes, PhD

CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is inviting college students diagnosed with ADHD to help us address ADHD prescription stimulant misuse, abuse, and diversion on campus.

CHADD is working to address this issue as a partner of the Coalition to Prevent ADHD Medication Misuse (CPAMM), and we welcome the perspectives of students with ADHD who may have shared their medication and those who have not.

Specifically, in 2015 CHADD is working with CPAMM to convene experts, influencers, and stakeholders at a two-day Summit in Washington, DC, the week of July 13, to gather research and perspectives on the issue, and to identify ways to reach the college population and help prevent the misuse, abuse, and diversion of ADHD medications. The Summit will offer all participants insightful research presentations that inform; panels and conversations that enlighten; and breakout sessions that engage and report out with actionable recommendations for helping to prevent misuse on college campuses. As a result, we are looking for students who may have shared their medications and those who have refused to do so.  

This is an opportunity to have your voice heard and take action on this serious issue. All perspectives and experiences will be shared in a confidential and non-judgmental environment.

Please consider joining us at the summit to share your perspective by filling out the application. CPAMM will pay your travel and accommodations in Washington, DC, to participate in the conference. We invite you to pass this information on to others who might be interested.

If you are selected to participate in the Summit, you will be required to:
  1. Travel to Washington, DC, at CPAMM’s expense, to participate in the CPAMM Summit to Prevent ADHD Medication Misuse;
  2. Participate in a panel discussion describing your experience with students requesting that you share your ADHD medication, and/or your familiarity or position on the issue;
  3. Join three conference calls for planning purposes; and
  4. Help to develop recommendations for a public health campaign that reaches college students and helps prevent the misuse, abuse and diversion of ADHD prescription stimulants.
If you would like to be involved in this unique opportunity please complete and return the application by May 20, 2015 to  If you would like to more information or have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly.

After the Summit we hope to form a student advisory board on this and other issues facing college students with ADHD. Stay tuned for more information.

Ruth Hughes, PhD, is the former CEO and now serves as a special advisor to the CHADD board of directors. A clinical psychologist by training, she has an adult son with ADHD who is thriving.

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